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To link in with our  Roman topic, 'We came, We Saw, We conquered', we have been exploring the legacy of Roman culture. We have been exploring Roman art work and have chosen to focus on Roman Mosaics. Before creating our very own Roman mosaic tile, we researched and explored Mosaics in information texts, as well as looking at online artefacts and reordered our findings in our sketch books. We looked at how mosaics were made, the tools used, as well as the materials that they were made from depending on which country they were made in.

We then took inspiration from our research and designed three mosaic tiles. We then chose our favourite design to replicate. We started with the border and stuck down the tiles, using glue to create our repeated pattern or image, once the glue had dried we used grout to fill in the crack between the tiles, and rinsed off any excess using a wet sponge. We again left them to dry and, self- assessed and peer-assessed our completed designs. 


We were really pleased with our completed designs and think we did an absolutely fantastic job,  we think even the Roman themselves would have been impressed! 

Roman Mosaic Art

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On 7th December, we were visited by SPARKS Education (West Midlands Fire Service- Dudley Branch). They came into school to educate us about keeping safe and how we can make the West Midlands safer, stronger and healthier. 

The SPARKS presentation was delivered by firefighters from Dudley Fire Station and it concentrated on fire and road safety. At the start of the presentation, we watched a short film showing how quickly fire spreads, then we found out about: 

  • Smoke detectors 

  • Escape plans 

  • Emergency calls 

  • Fire hazards 

  • Stop, drop and roll 

  • Pedestrian safety 

During the presentation, we were asked questions to expose our knowledge and understanding, and took part in a quiz at the end to show what information we had retained.  


We finally learned the importance of performing STOP, DROP AND ROLL, in case our clothes were ever to catch fire. 

Above is a link to a fabulous Activity Book you can download and fill in with your child.

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Sparks Education

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We had a fabulous morning, with our grown ups making and testing out different catapult designs, as part of our Romans topic.  We followed instructions to create two different catapults, and tested how effective they were at firing missiles, just like the Romans would have done.


The children thoroughly enjoyed sharing this experience with their adults!

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Year 4 Parent Drop-In 

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Year 4 had an amazing day when we were visited by Lucius the Roman Legionary on Wednesday. He took us on a journey back in time, to show us what life was like in the ruthless Roman army. We had lots of fun investigating artefacts and taking part in role-play and games.  We thoroughly enjoyed our training as new recruits for the Roman Legion.  We learnt all about military dress, armour and equipment, and worked as a team for drill practice and to perform military formations, including a testudo.

We also investigated Roman entertainment and visited the amphitheatre, where we watched battles between gladiators and beasts from across the globe.

Our understanding of Romans was thoroughly enhanced by our experience, and we can't wait to learn more about our exciting topic!

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Roman's for the Day!

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Year 4 trip to BCLM

Year 4 had a fantastic day out at the Black Country Living Museum on Wednesday 19th April. We explored the site, looking at the mines, Victorian houses and shops and even had a lesson in the Victorian school. A great day was had by all!

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Cotwall End Primary School, Cotwall End Road,

Sedgley, Dudley, DY3 3YG

Tel: 01384 818730


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