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Here are Cotwall End, PE and extra-curricular sport is one of our key strengths. All children benefit from two quality PE lessons every week and we have excellent participation in our wide range of after-school sports clubs. A specialist sports coach is employed to complement our teachers and we have forged strong links with local clubs and facilities.

We encourage all of our children to lead healthy lifestyles by educating them about the importance of exercise and a balanced diet.

As a mark of our wonderful sporting efforts, Cotwall End has been awarded the prestigious Gold School Games MarkThis award recognises the school's excellent PE provision, fantastic extra-curricular opportunities and successful participation in sports competitions. We will continue working hard to maintain our status and ensure that all our pupils have the skills, opportunities and inspiration to lead healthy, active lifestyles.

Sporting Success 2023-24

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On Tuesday 21st May our sportshall athletics team represented the school brilliantly at the prestigious Black Country Games held at Aldersley Leisure Village.

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Our girls football team has made it through to the final of the cup after beating Wren's Nest 3-1 in the semi-final on Thursday 16th May.

Good luck girls - we're all very proud of everything you've achieved so far and right behind you!


Our girls football team played brilliantly to beat Maidensbridge last week and progress to the semi-final of the cup. Come on girls!


A win for Cotwall End!


On Tuesday 27th February, the Year 6 netball team took on Milking Bank in a tough, competitive match.  Our opponents were well-organised and skilful, however Cotwall End showed fantastic control throughout the game.  It was an excellent team performance; our defence was brilliant and Daisy and Ruby both had their shooting hats on, scoring 3 goals each.  The final score was 6-1 to Cotwall End - the first victory for our netball team.  Well Done Year 6, and a big shout-out to Miss Wardon and Miss Jukes for top coaching!


On Wednesday 7th February our Year 6 netball team played against Wren's Nest and enjoyed an end-to-end match.  Our players had a great time, with Lilia and Alfie both scoring.  A big thanks to the parents who came along to support the team, and to Miss Warden and Miss Jukes who run the club.  Well done, team!

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Our girls football team braved the freezing cold to represent the school brilliantly in the Lucy Bronze group of the Dudley girls football league. The girls were great ambassadors for Cotwall End, played some fabulous football over the two nights and finished third in our group. We are now waiting to hear whether we have qualified for the Dudley-wide finals! Well done girls - we're very proud of you.

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Tag Rugby Tournament: Wednesday 18th October 2023 at Stourbridge Rugby Club

Two teams of children took part. Both teams - a mix of boys and girls - had a fantastic time representing our school. The A team, who were in a tough group, drew their first match, then lost the second before winning their 3rd an amazing 8 - 0.  This put them through to the "plate" knockout tournament where they made it all the way to the semi-finals.  The B team won one of their round-robin matches and went though tot he knockout stages, but only made it to the quarters.  A good all-round performance, enjoyed by all.

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Both our boys' and girls' football teams braved the wet weather to enjoy friendly matches at local rivals Alder Coppice on 19th October 2023.

Two brilliant matches took place side by side and they were both full of commitment, sportsmanship, excitement, goals...and mud!

Well done boys and girls - you did our school proud and we'll be arranging plenty more matches soon.

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Girls Football: Thursday 19th October 2023 AWAY vs Alder Coppice

Cotwall End Girls' Football Team played away at Alder Coppice in their first match together.  The team played superbly and were proud to represent our school.  Imogen (the Year 5 baller) scored two goals against a challenging opposition.  Unfortunately, we lost 3-2.  A big shout out though to our magnificent goalkeeper, Frankie (the birthday girl) who was brave and head-planted in a big muddy puddle: the match was paused briefly while Mr Caddick helped clean Frankie up. We can't wait until our next match!

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Chance to Shine West Bromwich Albion Football Tournament: Wednesday 18th October 2023

We came top of our group after winning all four games, without conceding a goal.  Everyone played amazingly, and George Downes was our top scorer.  We won the semi-final on penalties, thanks to our goalkeeper, Zac Mills, saving 3.  In the final, despite Noel scoring from a free kick in his own half, we narrowly lost 2-1 and finished proud runners up.

Sporting Success 2022-23

* Congratulations to our netball team who played brilliantly to win the Dudley tournament on 23rd May 2023! They will now go on to represent the school and Dudley at the prestigious Black Country School Games. Team captain, Lucy said, "We had an amazing time at the netball tournament - it was even better when we won!"

* On Wednesday 29th March, the boys' football team played a double-header at Wren's Nest.  In the first match, we beat the home team 3 - 1, with Ethan scoring a brace.  In our second match, we solidly beat Queen Vic 5 - 0, with Tate scoring 4 goals.  Other key Cotwall End players include Tamarly for his excellent passing, Josh for firing shot after shot, and a special shout-out to Seb who was fantastic in goal.  We have now won the league for the second year in a row and are through to the Campbell Cup. Come on Cotwall End!!!

(Written by Joseph)

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* On Wednesday 8th March 2023, the girls' football team took part in the final tournament against the whole of Dudley.  We played first in the group stage and won three out of four matches, and drew the fourth.  We then progressed to the finals against four more teams, where we placed third. Lots of great goals were scored, including Lily's final one which meant we came third overall.  Big shout-out to Fran, who was amazing in goal. It was very cold, but we had a great day and a big thanks to Mr Whitehouse and Mrs Williams for coming along and supporting us.

(Written by Frankie and Jemima)

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* On Friday 10th February 2023, twelve Cotwall End Year 6 children attended Summer Hill Secondary School for a Cross Country tournament. The girls raced first, running approximately 1.5 miles in slightly muddy conditions. The girls put in a strong performance, with Elsa finishing 15th, Frankie in 31st, Fran in 44th, Evie in 60th, Ava in 61st and Freyalea in 68th. The boys raced next, with an equally strong performance. Seb raced brilliantly to finish in 2nd place! Joe finished 19th, closely followed by Lewis in 20th. Ethan came 22nd, Tate was 43rd and joe finished 45th. The fantastic support that the boys and girls gave each other led Cotwall End to a 2nd place finish overall!

(Written by Ava)  

* On Tuesday 29th November 2022, a team of Y6 children took part in the finals of the Dudley Schools Rugby Tournament held at Windsor Academy.  The children had a fantastic time and represented Cotwall End with pride.  We finished winning the third place play off against Brockmoor, winning 4 tries to 2. Mr Whitehouse's Player of the Tournament goes to Sam for his amazing speed in matches - no one could touch him, even the top teams!

* At the Tag Rugby Tournament on Tuesday 18th October 2022 at Stourbridge Rugby Club, 12 schools set out to play six games of tag rugby. Our B Team consisted of Kingsley, Archie, Fray, Evie, Elsa, Keira, Ethan and Abdoulie. The A Team had Joseph, Tamarly, Josh, Tate, Lily, Frankie, Seb and Samuel. Our B Team worked hard but unfortunately came bottom of the stage, but our A Team were in the top group stage and have qualified for the next competition! Top try scorers included Tamarly, Joe and Josh. We can't wait for the next tournament! (Written by Joe)


The tag rugby team will now go on to compete in the Dudley finals at the end of November. Well done team - we are very proud of you!

* On Thursday 13th October 2022, the Boys' Football team played a match against The Straits Primary. We played well in an even game and were the better team for much of the match, but unfortunately lost 1 - 0 with a very scrappy goal. On the team were Arley, Joe, Josh, Tate, Tamarly, Kingsley, Tom and Ethan. (Written by Arley)

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* On Thursday 6th October 2022, the Cotwall End Girls' Football Team played The Straits Primary Girls. We played very well and it led to a tremendous victory, winning 11-1!  Our top goal scorer was Keira, scoring 7 of the 11 goals!  Our other goal scorers were Elsa, Lily, Ava and Frankie (captain), scoring one goal each.  Our top defenders (Jemima, Freyalea and Georgia) and goal keepers (Lily and Fran) were amazing, only letting in one goal! The team would like to thank Mr Caddick and Mr Whitehouse. Well done team! (Written by Frankie)

Cotwall End Primary School, Cotwall End Road,

Sedgley, Dudley, DY3 3YG

Tel: 01384 818730


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