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Special Days

Here at Cotwall End, we are proud to mark significant events with Special Days in school. Our staff put a great deal of energy and enthusiasm into these days and they are always a huge hit with the children. Who doesn't enjoy a sense of occasion?


Fun in the Snow 


The recent cold snap brought snow to Cotwall End! We managed to stay open for the duration and the children had a wonderful time wrapping up warm and playing outside. There was a real sense of excitement in school and our gorgeous grounds really did look like a magical winter wonderland.

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Children in Need
Ramble 2024

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Children in Need
Kids Clothes Project

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On Friday 15th November, we collected donations for the Kids Clothes Project. This initiative was started by a group of local moms with a passion for supporting families in need by working with the public to supply good quality clothes parcels for children aged between 2 and 12 years. They accept donations of clothes, shoes, toys and books and then make up parcels containing a full range of items that will last a child a full year. They will also accept clothes that are unfit for purpose, such as damaged, stained and ripped items, which are then sold to Cash 4 Clothes in order to purchase brand new underwear and other items missing from the clothes parcels (almost always a coat). Over the past 4 years, the Kids Clothes Project have clothed more than 1500 children in need. Thank you to all who donated - you really made a difference!

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Roman Day 2024  

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National Poetry Day 

Show Racism
Red Card


Scarecrow  Festival  


Harvest Festival Assembly 

Jeans for Genes day


Maths Day 

Sports Day 2024

Summer Fair

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We had a non-uniform day in school on Friday 17th November 2023 to raise money for Children In Need. Mr Caddick and Mr Whitehouse dressed as Pudsey and performed their 'Let's Get Ready to RAMBLE' dance in assembly to whip up a frenzy of enthusiasm and excitement for our fundraising Cotwall End Ramble at Baggeridge, which was a huge success. Staff, parents, children and pets turned up ready to put their best foot (or paw) forward.  Our Pudseys got lost in the woods, which began a mass bear hunt, all in aid for this amazing charity! We raised a total of £615 for Children in Need, well done everyone!

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Odd Socks Day

WB Monday 13th November was Anti-Bullying Week and the theme for 2023 was 'Make a Noise About Bullying'. To mark the first day of the campaign, we joined in with Odd Socks Day. Miss Newey delivered a fabulous Anti-Bullying assembly and children and staff proudly showed off their odd socks. Wearing odd socks is a great way to raise awareness, allow children to express themselves and celebrate individuality and what makes us all unique! More information on the 2023 Anti-Bullying Alliance campaign can be found here:

Poetry Day
On Friday 6th October 2023, we celebrated National Poetry day. The theme this year was Refuge.
We had a very special visitor - award winning poet and performer, Spoz! He visited the children in their year groups and performed some of his fantastic poetry. It was a wonderful day and the children thoroughly enjoyed it.  

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 Coffee Afternoon

On Friday 29th September 2023, we held our Macmillan coffee and cake afternoon to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support.

Thank you to everyone who donated delicious cakes! We sold these along with Tea, Coffee and Hot Chocolate and managed to raise an amazing £290!

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Sports Day 2023

Just when we thought our 2022 Commonwealth Games Sports Day couldn't be topped, Mr Caddick and Mr Whitehouse knocked it out of the park on Friday 23rd June with a very special Harry Potter Sports Day Extravaganza. Instead of our usual house teams (Malvern, Clent, Wrekin and Beacon), children were in Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw for the day. Staff dressed up as characters from the books and went to town on the magical decorations around school. Even our races were adapted to fit with the stories, including broomstick racing, a magical creatures relay, an Escape from Azkaban obstacle course and a Quidditch pitch. Our spectacular opening ceremony included special performances from Mrs Sullivan's dance group and Kennedy's School of Dance troupe, as well as a parachute dance from our Pre School children and a performance from our fantastic school choir, led by Mrs Gullick. The children had a wonderful day and really got into the spirit of the Harry Potter theme. We even had tears of joy from the children as the overall winning team was announced - Slytherin! A huge thank you to parents and carers for coming to support the children and making it a truly fantastic atmosphere. What a magical day!

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World Book day 2023

We celebrated World Book Day in school on Thursday 2nd March. Our theme was "A Book At Bedtime" and children were encouraged to come to school wearing their pyjamas, which they loved! As you can see from the photo, staff came in their PJs too :) Children also donated unwanted books to our Accelerated Reader scheme to boost the number of books on offer in school. Thank you for all of your wonderful donations!

Children's Mental Health Week - Let's Connect

In February we took part in the national Children’s Mental Health Week to raise awareness about the importance of young people’s mental health. The theme this year is ‘Let’s Connect’ and it is about making meaningful connections with family, friends and members of the wider community to help improve our own mental health. On Monday 6th February, the children came to school with an item of their uniform worn inside out. This was a fun way to show the children how our emotions are often hidden inside, but that it can be good for our own mental health to show our emotions and to share how we are feeling with others. Our wonderful School Council have also been selling wrist bands with the ‘Let’s Connect’ logo on throughout the week. The wrist bands have been specially made for children at Cotwall End. Any profit from the sale of the wrist bands will be donated to ‘Young Minds’, a charity which does superb work supporting children with mental health difficulties.


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The Queens Jubilee Picnic

On Friday 10th June 2022, we celebrated the Queens Jubilee with a very special picnic! Parents and family members were invited along to bring a packed lunch and join in the celebrations with the children. The HSA sold Strawberries and cream as well as drinks, Mary Stevens Hospice sold ice creams and the School Council organised a raffle to raise money for new playground equipment. We also planted a Jubilee tree and raised a flag, plus our school choir performed a few songs for everyone to enjoy.

I'm sure you will agree that everyone had a fabulous day!

Cotwall End Primary School, Cotwall End Road,

Sedgley, Dudley, DY3 3YG

Tel: 01384 818730


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