Key Threads - Science
As a school, we assess the foundation curriculum through Key Threads. The Key Threads are derived from the National Curriculum objectives for each year group. These ensure that the children have a deeper knowledge and understanding which remains embedded in their long term memory and is built upon as the children progress through our school.
Here you will find our Key Threads in Science for each year group.
Autumn 2023
Y1 Science Autumn 23
Y2 Science Autumn 23
Y3 Science Autumn 23
Y4 Science Autumn 23
Y5 Science Autumn 23
Y6 Science Autumn 23
Spring 2024
Y1 Science Spring 24
Y4 Science Spring 24
Y2 Science Spring 24
Y5 Science Spring 24
Y3 Science Spring 24
Y6 Science Spring 24
Summer 2024
Y1 Science Summer 24
Y4 Science Summer 24
Y2 Science Summer 24
Y5 Science Summer 24
Y3 Science Summer 24
Y6 Science Summer 24

Progression in Scientific Enquiry

June 2023 - Year 2 have been learning about the importance of good hygiene and handwashing in Science recently. Three weeks ago, we set up the bread investigation (pictured below) and have been observing over time what will happen to the 3 different slices. We learned that germs can easily spread to any surface that we touch with our hands.