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School Meals

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Healthy eating is not just about grazing on raw fruit and vegetables.  It's also about allowing time to sit at a table and eat the valuable nutrients found in a balance of freshly cooked hot and cold meals in a pleasant, social environment with other children. Our commitment is to provide children with healthy, nutritious and exciting meals each day. 


All children in Reception and KS1 are entitled to Universal Free School Meals.


For children in KS2, the cost of a school meal is £2.50, which includes a drink.


We are a cashless school, so all meals need to be booked and paid for in advance via ParentMail. You are able to book meals up to 3 weeks in advance, right up until 11.59pm the day before. Payment can either be made at the point of booking on a pay-as-you-go basis, or you can periodically top-up your child's account. All payments must be made via ParentMail.

From Monday 6th November 2023, our meals will be provided by Shire Services:

  • All meals are offered with salad, wholemeal bread and vegetable selection.

  • We use Red Tractor chicken, which guarantees safe, quality chicken which meets animal welfare standards.

  • All fish used on our menus are Marine Stewardship certified (MSC).

  • We do not add salt or sugar to any of our meals.

  • We only serve freshly-made soups made from vegetable stocks.

  • All eggs we use are free range.

  • All cakes and biscuits on offer are freshly made.

  • Once a week an assortment of fresh fruit and yoghurt is the only pudding option.

  • All puddings are made using reduced sugar recipes and fresh fruit is available daily.








































































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Here is the Allergen Matrix for the meals in the above menus:





Please note that this allergen information is not live data and is correct as at the date of issue, based on the ingredients listed in the specified recipes. Use of alternative recipes or changes in stock items may change the allergens listed.

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We offer tuck to all pupils in KS2, with a different item available each day at a cost of 50p per day. The schedule is as follows:


  • MONDAYS - Flapjack - (contains oats)

  • TUESDAYS - Shortbread - (contains Gluten, Wheat)

  • WEDNESDAYS - Iced Muffin - (contains Gluten, Wheat, Egg, Milk, Soya)

  • THURSDAYS - Chocolate Cookie - (Contains Gluten, Wheat)

  • FRIDAYS - Chocolate Muffin - (contains Gluten, Wheat, Egg, Milk, Soya)

Free School Meal Entitlement

​To receive a free school meal you need to receive child benefit and either;

​·     Income support

·     Income-based Jobseekers Allowance

·     Income-based Employment and Support Allowance

·     Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999

·     The guaranteed element of State Pension Credit

·     Child Tax Credit (provided you're not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190)

·     Working Tax Credit run-on - paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit

·     Universal Credit (you must have less than £616.67 a month net earned income (after tax and not including any benefits)


For further information, please visit

Cotwall End Primary School, Cotwall End Road,

Sedgley, Dudley, DY3 3YG

Tel: 01384 818730


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