Welcome Back! We hope you have had an enjoyable summer. The children have certainly had lots of exciting stories to share.
Welcome to our new Reception and Pre-School children and their families who are settling in really well. We wish all our new families a special Cotwall End welcome, and we hope they will continue to enjoy their time at Cotwall End. We look forward to working with you.
We also welcome some new members of staff; Miss Webb in Reception, Mrs Atherton & Miss Fuller in Pre-school and Mrs Hunt as Midday Supervisor.
All children will have had their 'Values Passports'. This term is based around 'honesty', with children gaining stamps in their passports and certificates for their honesty. We look forward to seeing the passports full of stamps at the end of term.
For those new parents/carers, if you could take 10 minutes to download and look through the two apps we use (ParentHub and ParentMail) and set these up on your mobile phones, these are our main ways of communicating with you and are essential for you to be kept up-to-date. If you are experiencing any issues please speak to the school office.
As always in school, there is plenty happening in school this term and we look forward to sharing that with you over the coming weeks.
Thank you.