This week, Sarah from Mini First Aid has been in school each day to teach all children in school from Reception to Year 6 the importance of First Aid and how to do the basics. KS1 children have learned how to put on plasters, how and why we use ice packs, who to call in an emergency and how to position our bodies when we feel poorly. They have done lots of role play with some poorly teddy bears and even practiced calling 999 on toy phones. KS2 children have learned how to apply slings and bandages, how to deal with burns and even met Resusci Annie to learn how to deal with choking and the basics of resuscitation. They also practiced putting each other in the recovery position.
This has been a fantastic experience for the children, enjoyed by all. First Aid is such an important, valuable life skill and we are proud of each and every one of our children for getting stuck in.
